Wednesday 3 July 2013

Job of the Month - Miniature Steam Railway Engineer/Driver

Trago Mills Railway - picture from Trago Mills website

Trago Mills, my favourite store in Devon and Cornwall, offers this beauty at their family fun park in Newton Abbot, if you have the engineering background and want to change your life:

Miniature Steam Railway Engineer/Driver Required
We are looking for an energetic, enthusiastic and mature person to join the team in our Steam Railway Department as an engineer/driver.

The successful applicant will possess a background in engineering including the use of lathes, milling machines and general workshop tools. This will enable them to help maintain and refurbish our collection of steam and diesel trains including rolling stock and track. Train driving experience would be advantageous but is not essential as full training is provided. 

In the first instance, please call 01626 821111 to request an Application Form.
Please then complete the Application Form and return it to:
David Jennians, Leisure Manager,
Trago Mills,
Newton Abbot, TQ12 6JD.
Here is where you'll be working  


Rob F said...

Ha, I'd love to see Leg-Iron doing that job. He'd have the kids screaming and running in droves from the park!

Leg-iron said...

Agh, it's at the other end of the country.

I'd be great at it. "Scream if you want me to wheelie it again".

Corncrake said...

As Leg-Iron says wrong end of the country.

MTG said...

Crikey. In this Health and Safety conscious age can that 'noxious' boiler smoke be authentic, Leggy?

Furor Teutonicus said...

They have one of these in Royden Park, Wirral.

I was on it once, around 8 years old, and a piece of burning coal from the stack caught in my hair, and set it on fire. (Looked like Bob Marley for a few weeks, but it grew back no problems)

Driver stopped and poured water from the tender on my head, and carried on with the trip.

Imagine that happening now?

He would be in court, and the railway would be banned for ever.

Leg-iron said...

MTG - I'd add some dried tobacco stalks to the coal, just to make it that bit deadlier.

Furor - he'd be charged with 'assaulting burning hair' these days.

Furor Teutonicus said...

Not to mention the odd (VERY "odd") mushroom, and a bit of hash.

Furor Teutonicus said...

"Na Madam, what do you mean; 'my child can not stand up straight'?"

"Was it like that before the trip?"

(pardon the pun)

Electro-Kevin said...

I hate Tragos.

It reminds me of 1970s shopping and I find the place totally eccentric. I've bought stuff there that turned out to be shite.

How can you not be allowed to take trollies out to the car ?

Woman on a Raft said...

Yes, I suppose there is a sense of time not running quite the same way in there as other places, but they had some bargains and it is very handy if you are on any kind of holiday.

Also not a bad place to break the journey - restaurant, washroom, free parking, quick dash round the food shop to stock up with things so you don't have to make a separate trip, replacement toiletries when finding out the wash-bag has been left at home (again). Hang it, I might just stay there for my next holiday so that at least I don't have pack as if I were moving a small army.